Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation process of the research component of teachers’ technological culture




technological culture, teacher, research activity, pedagogical research, gamification in education, game modeling, consulting, consulting support, circuit technique


Introduction. In a continuously developing technological society, teachers need to have a sufficient level of technological culture to implement their activities in accordance with the requirements of technological reality. The optimization of this process is facilitated by the organization of pedagogical practice in accordance with the results of up-to-date research into relevant aspects of pedagogical activity. The problem of forming the research component of a teacher’s technological culture involves the use of the means of its implementation, contributing to the continuity of this process. By way of the said use, the authors propose consulting support for pedagogical research, which has been improved to the level of technology. Consulting support as a pedagogical technology is based on the leading principles of the system-synergetic approach of the general scientific level in combination with andragogical and praxeological (which provide the specific scientific level), competence and contextual (methodological level) approaches.

Purpose: the article presents the results of consulting support of the research activities of future Home Economics teachers.

Materials and methods: consulting support was carried out by internal consultants of the university, united in a collective entity “consulter” consisting of 2–5 people. Game modeling is used as the main form of consulting support. Circuitry technique is used to facilitate the process of understanding the meanings conveyed by the participants of consulting events.

The productivity of consulting support for the formation of the research component of the technological culture of future teachers was determined by the results of their coursework in various disciplines of a special cycle and by the methods of interviewing its participants (questionnaire, essay). To confirm the reliability of the results obtained, the following methods of statistical data processing were used: nonparametric methods (Friedman, Wilcoxon, Mann — Whitney criteria) and parametric — one-factor analysis of variance.

Results: Consulting support contributes to the development of future teachers’ research competencies, regardless of the initial level of their competencies and the content of the field under study. The continuity of consulting support, combining the modes of traditional, online and offline participation, contributes to the stability of the formed research competencies.

Conclusion: The obtained results of the consulting support of the process of forming the research component of the future Home Economics teachers’ technological culture confirmed the productivity of the consulting support.



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