Dynamics of career preferences in management students
career preferences, personal competencies, professional competencies, management degrees, university studentsAbstract
Background. One of the key challenges facing university students in terms of their career is the relevance of career preferences to professional and personal competencies. The reported study explored the relation between career preferences and competencies of students at different stages of training. Career preferences are viewed as indicators of successful transition through the normative crisis of professionalisation. Career preferences are students’ attitudes to essential challenges related to career development. Career preferences include motivational, emotional and volitional, and orientation components.
Materials and methods. The data were collected by “Career Readiness” and “Leader. Manager. Expert” questionnaires developed by S. V. Dukhnovsky. The sample included 167 students aged 18–22. The evidence was collected from university students on management programmes. The empirical results were processed by Statistica 10.0 Software Package with the use of Shapiro-Wilk test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Results and discussion. The results suggest that most students prefer a mixed type of career. Throughout all the stages of training, they opt for vertical career rather than the horizontal one. Students also show a gradual transition from non-specialised to specialised career preferences. Changes in career preferences are associated with the development of leadership, managerial and expert competencies. First and second-year students are more likely to show leadership skills, while students in their final year of training tend to reveal managerial and expert competencies.
Conclusions. The results of the study can be used in the development of career profiles for university students as tools for promoting their further professionalisation.
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