Diagnostics and correction of reluctant attitude towards school among students of 8–11 grades
educational laziness, high school students, reluctant attitude towards school, personal activity, personal agency, educational laziness correctionAbstract
The study explores the phenomenon of educational laziness among high school students. It is argued that educational laziness is a personality state that blocks learning activity and not only reduces educational results, but also psychologically limits the formation of the adolescent’s personal agency. The authors have developed a proprietary methodology to identify intra-personal factors that decrease learning activity. The methodology was developed within the framework of the eco-psychological approach towards the understanding of the process of mental development. According to this approach, personal activity, including educational activity, is an indicator of agency formation. The authors identified eight personal and interpersonal conditions (scales) for the learning laziness manifestation. The method was tested in the 2020–21 academic year among students of grades 8–11 (n = 269) in a Moscow secondary school. Descriptive statistics indicators meet reliability requirements. According to the data obtained, the main reason for the educational laziness of older adolescents is a lack of understanding of the purposes and meaning of schooling as well as unawareness of the importance of school education (36.85%). Other reasons include a reduced psychophysiological alertness (30.4%) and lack or a low level of motivating attention from teachers (25.0%). The study confirmed our hypothesis that satisfaction with the attitude of parents contributes to the student’s learning activity: all values received statistical significance at p < 0.001 (Spearman).All the students were provided with their individual diagnostic results on a confidential basis, while general class and school statistics were thoroughly discussed during meetings in each class. The students were given recommendations for neutralising the identified causes of educational laziness. After the discussion, a group of high school students suggested that correctional sessions with the school psychologist should be arranged. The research results were discussed with teachers and parents with the main purpose of making them aware of the role a significant adult plays in the prevention of educational laziness among adolescents.
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