Formation of competencies of employees of non-departmental security of the Rosgvardiya of the Russian Federation


  • Sergey М. Shingaev St. Petersburg Academy of postgraduate pedagogical education
  • Ekaterina A. Khodova Secondary General Education School No. 368 with in-depth study of the English language of the Frunzensky district of Saint Petersburg



competence approach, job competencies, program of formation, development of key competencies, effectiveness of professional activity


Introduction. This article focuses on the competence model of an employee of the non-departmental security of the Rosgvardiya of Russia. The competence model is a set of elements that ensure the effectiveness of an employee of non-departmental security of Rosgvardiya.

Materials and methods. The structural components of the competence model are: the profile of job competencies with their indicators (behavioural markers), the methods for assessing job competencies, and the program for the development of job competencies. The profile of job competencies is the main element of the competence model: it includes a set of competencies that ensure the performance of official tasks as well effectiveness and success in professional activities.

The results of the study. The profile of job competencies includes an invariant component (key competencies necessary for all employees, regardless of their position) and a variable component (depending on the specifics of the employee’s position and the tasks being solved).

Conclusion. The program for the formation of job competencies of heads of non-departmental security units of the Rosgvardiya of Russia which is based on the competence model, contributes to the development of key competencies and is instrumental in identifying deficiencies in the level of development of job competencies.

The program for development of job competencies of heads of non-departmental security units which takes into account the data obtained during factor and regression analysis was tested on a group of heads of units who showed less pronounced competencies. The program allowed us to conclude that the use of this model can significantly improve the overall quality of the activities of employees of Rosgvardiya units.



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