Academic performance in geometry of 8th grade students with signs of “clip thinking”


  • Maria A. Ryabova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



“clip thinking”, cognitive activity, academic performance, learning effectiveness, effectiveness of the cognitive activity, geometry, school students


The concept of “clip thinking” covers a whole range of features of cognitive activity and is often used in modern literature when speaking about training effectiveness. Many authors suggest that it is “clip thinking” that reduces training effectiveness and has a negative effect on school performance. At the same time, geometry for most students is the most difficult subject, and academic performance in this discipline has fallen over the past few years.

The paper aims to study the relationship between “clip thinking” and academic performance in geometry. The hypothesis is that the performance in geometry among students with signs of “clip thinking” is lower compared to other students. To confirm this hypothesis, an experiment was carried out.

To collect data, students of two 8th grade classes were asked to perform an assignment that involved finding information and applying it. The results obtained by the students were then analysed. To assess academic performance, average marks in geometry were calculated. Cluster analysis was used to identify two groups of students: those who show signs of “clip thinking” and those who do not. Then a comparative analysis was carried out between the groups.

The results obtained confirmed the hypothesis—i. e., that progress in geometry among students with signs of “clip thinking” is slightly lower in comparison with students who manifest such signs to a lesser degree.

The empirical results obtained add details to the understanding of the specifics of thinking processes in modern students. The study showed that “clip thinking” is quite common among modern students. Teachers are therefore advised to take this fact into account: include assignments aimed at students with “clip thinking,” pay more attention to the generalisation and systematisation of knowledge, use assignments that require logical problem solving, highlight cross-disciplinary links, demonstrate real-life applications of the discipline, etc.



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