The prospects of using the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions in the training of university cadets of the National Guard troops


  • Anatoly S. Turchin St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops
  • Ivan A. Tsukanov St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops



theory of systematic step-by-step formation of mental actions, developing effect, thinking, waiting for an error, responding to errors


The paper presents experimental data on the prospects and limitations of effective acquisition of self-defence skills by cadets—specifically, the skills of self-defence against articles with a blade or point (“cold weapons”), which skills may be required by the National Guard (Rosgvardia) servicemen in service and combat settings.

The experiment involved a system of tasks designed to teach the cadets the basic techniques of countering a person trying to use cold weapons against a Rosgvardia serviceman. Special conditions were created to enable the cadets to master a specific action by performing it “correctly from the very first time”.

The assessment was carried out using the activity criteria based on P. Ya. Galperin’s theory as well as such methods as observation and testing.

The training proved effective insofar as the skills acquisition was concerned— specifically, the training effect was close to 100% (60% among the insufficiently well-performing cadets). As a “by-product”, we also obtained data on the developmental effect pertaining to intelligence and will.

Studies applying the theory of P. Ya. Galperin and N. F. Talyzina to the material of specialized disciplines are insufficiently presented in the literature. However, the results of such studies may be effectively used in military universities due to the specifics of such universities’ educational environment and the specific conditions in which the Federal Educational Standards are applied.

The fundamental provisions according to which students should master a new activity with a quality “not lower than good” and the possibility to intensify the process of skill acquisition make it possible to develop training programmes of different levels of complexity and implement them in a relatively short time.

The humanistic attitudes of P. Ya. Galperin and N. F. Talyzina’s theory allow to reduce the “fear of error” and positively influence the attitude of cadets to the new training approach.



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How to Cite

Turchin, A. S., & Tsukanov, I. A. (2022). The prospects of using the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions in the training of university cadets of the National Guard troops. Psychology in Education, 3(4), 365–371.


