Relationships of pre-schoolers with delayed speech development with their peers
children with delayed speech development, pre-school children, communicative abilities, communicative aspects of children’s personality, communicative actions and skills, sociometric statusAbstract
Psychological and personality development of children with speech disorders has been a focus of psychology and education science for a significant period. In recent decades specifically, there has been an increased interest in children with various speech disorders. It seems that the number of children suffering from various difficulties in speech development needing specialised assistance has increased. However, it is more likely that it is the attitude towards this group of children that has changed, together with the understanding that it requires more professional assistance. Analysis of prior research indicates that speech disorders in pre-schoolers lead to challenges in all the other areas of psychological development.
This article presents the results of an empirical study into the relationships of pre-schoolers with delayed speech development with their peers. 58 children aged 5 to 6 years participated in the study: 29 children with delayed speech development attending a special needs kindergarten, and 29 children with normal speech development. Two methods were used to study the communication abilities of children: “Two Houses” by T. D. Marcinkovskaya and the Pre-schooler Communicative Abilities Observation Chart by A. M. Shchetinina. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between the development of speech and the communicative abilities of the child.
The research has demonstrated that there is a link between delayed speech development in pre-schoolers and the development of their communicative abilities. The development of the communication skills in preschool children with delayed speech development significantly lags behind the age norm, with generally underdeveloped communicative activities and skills. Children with delayed speech development are more likely than their peers with normal speech development to occupy a low social status in the group. The results of this research once again confirm the need for comprehensive psychological and pedagogical work with pre-schoolers with problems of speech development.
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