Gender stereotypes: Sociocultural or biological conditioning?
gender stereotypes, gender differences, sociocultural approach, biologically determined approach, psychophysiological characteristics, individual variabilityAbstract
The question under consideration is highly relevant due to the widespread prevalence of gender stereotypes in modern society and insufficient knowledge of the factors that contribute to their formation. Gender stereotypes are generalized images of groups of men and women, ideas about masculinity and femininity. Persistent stereotypes contribute to the maintenance of gender inequality and can limit the individual’s opportunities for self-realization. Gender stereotypes are manifested in various spheres of life, including the professional activities of school teachers. Further study of the structure and formation of gender stereotypes will contribute to expanding teachers’ knowledge in this area.
Gender stereotypes are based on widespread opinions about significant differences between men and women. There are different approaches to the analysis of gender differences: sociocultural and biological. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of modern information about the somatic and psychophysiological properties of men and women that can determine gender differences and gender stereotypes. An analysis of prior research showed that the differences in psychological indicators are small. It has been established that these differences depend on gender stereotypes.
The somatic and psychophysiological characteristics of men and women showed significant individual variability. The paper compares data on the level of motor and sensorimotor properties, on the brain structures in connection with the spatial and intellectual abilities, sensitivity to pain and aggression. I emphasize the individual variability of the properties under the influence of different factors. The abilities of an individual are the result of a complex interaction of genetic, hormonal, nervous and environmental influences. The data on the differences between men and women do not provide sufficient grounds for accepting them as a biological basis of gender stereotypes.
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