Social identity crisis in early adulthood


  • Sofya S. Olkhovskaya Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



early adulthood, crisis, identity, social identity, social role, problematic identity


Introduction: This article focuses on the experience of the crisis of social identity in early adulthood, which is a major factor in young adults’ social adaptation. Notably, the criteria of maturity are now being eroded, making the study of young adults’ identity all the more relevant in the current conditions. This study specifically focuses on what makes the experience of social identity crisis in early adulthood distinct.

Materials and methods: The study involved 58 people, who were grouped by employment status and self-report of problematic identity. Statistically significant differences were identified in the identities of employed and unemployed participants, as well as those reporting a crisis of identity and lack thereof.

Results of the study: Employed men and women have a higher assessment of their potential both in terms of their career and social relationships. They also assign more value to their close interpersonal relations and have a higher level of personal identity. Unemployed young people are more likely to reference their own aspirations and mention current states and experiences when describing themselves. Additionally, they are more likely to give a negative assessment of their own personality and note a problematic identity.

Young people not undergoing an identity crisis tend to see themselves as more prone to emotion-based responses. People who have successfully overcome an identity crisis also pay more attention to their Self, focusing on their work sphere and relations with others.

The existential outlook on their personal identity is more prevalent in men and women undergoing an identity crisis. They tend to use situational traits to describe themselves and have a lower assessment of their abilities in their chosen field. They reference their interests and activities less often.

The study has shown that one’s identification with the social role of a working person is a mark of successful identity crisis resolution, while a problematic identity is associated with stunted social development.

Conclusion: The results obtained can serve as a material for creating individual counselling programmes for young people as well as in preventive counselling.



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