Leadership qualities and emotional intelligence in adolescents





adolescents, leadership skills, characteristics of emotional intelligence, relationship, development


The current stage of the development of national education in Russia requires formation of practice-oriented competencies in the younger generation — in particular, the so-called soft-skills which, among other things, include leadership qualities and emotional intelligence.

This research is aimed at studying the interrelationships between emotional intelligence and leadership qualities in middle and older adolescents.

The main hypothesis of the study was that there is a relationship between the degree of leadership qualities and the characteristics of emotional intelligence in adolescents. The main hypothesis was split into two more specific ones: 1. older adolescents have higher indicators of emotional intelligence and leadership qualities compared to middle adolescents; 2. there are differences in the degree of indicators of emotional intelligence and leadership qualities in adolescents of different sexes.

The respondents included 90 teenagers aged 13–17 years studying in the 8th and 10th grades.

All indicators of emotional intelligence of adolescents are significantly positively associated with indicators of leadership qualities — i. e., the higher a teenager’s interpersonal and intrapersonal emotional intelligence and empathy are, and the better a teenager understands his own and other people’s emotions and knows how to regulate them, the more developed the characteristics of his leadership qualities will be. In 96% of the respondents, there was a direct correspondence between the level of expression of leadership qualities and the development of emotional intelligence.

Older adolescents have significantly higher indicators of intrapersonal emotional intelligence compared to younger subjects and are much more aware of their own and other people’s emotions. Older adolescents also recognise and manage emotions more effectively than younger subjects. The remaining indicators of emotional intelligence and leadership qualities do not have significant differences between middle and older adolescents.

There were no statistically significant differences in the expression of indicators of emotional intelligence and leadership qualities in boys and girls.



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