Academic procrastination as an elimination of educational activity




academic procrastination, learning activity, components of learning activity, correlation analysis, elimination


The article presents the results of an empirical study. It tests the hypothesis that academic procrastination eliminates learning activity. Testing this hypothesis allows us to confirm the existing theoretical developments, as well as to obtain new empirical data on learning activity and procrastination. The research focuses on the educational activity of students, namely, academic procrastination. The aim of the study is to identify the nature of the relationship between academic procrastination and the educational activity of students and its components. In line with the aim of the study, the following tasks have been identified: to select adequate diagnostic tools; to carry out a statistical analysis of the relationship between academic procrastination and educational activity and its components; to interpret the obtained results. The respondents are the students of the Faculty of Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The study uses the method of correlation analysis (the rs-Spearman rank correlation criterion). Other methods include P. Steele’s procrastination scale (Klepikova, Kormacheva 2019) and “Questionnaire of student learning activity” (Volochkov 2007). Academic procrastination correlates with the following parameters: educational motivation, students’ self-assessment of academic progress, control of educational activity, control of frustration during educational activity, self-assessment of the results of educational activity, performance dynamics during educational activity, creative dynamics during educational activity, the potential of educational activity, the regulatory component of educational activity, the dynamics of educational activity, the integral indicator of educational activity. The study proved that academic procrastination eliminates educational activity due to the negative impact on its components and their elements.



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