Ability of self-management in students with varying degrees of procrastination





self-management, procrastination, psychological phenomena, students, distance learning


Procrastination as a psychological phenomenon is increasingly in the focus of research in the context of social change. Due to the transition to distance learning during the pandemic, self-organization and self-management are gaining momentum. The article provides a brief theoretical overview of domestic and foreign research on self-government during studentship and procrastination. The article explores procrastination in educational and professional activities of students. Self-management of students, following N. M. Peisakhov, is understood as the ability of students to manage different types of activity. Procrastination is understood as an irrational delay in activity.

The aim of the study was to identify the ability of self-management in students with varying degrees of procrastination. It was suggested that there are differences in self-management abilities among students with high, medium and low procrastination: students with a high degree of procrastination will have a lower self-management ability at all its stages than students with medium and low procrastination. The study used the following methods: “Procrastination Scale for student populations” by С. Lay and “Ability for self-government” by N. M. Peisakhov. The Fisher’s F-test was used to validate the results.

The study involved 100 full-time students of the Murmansk Arctic State University (1–4 years of study) aged 17 to 21.

It is found that the prevailing severity of procrastination among the respondents is of medium degree (46%). In general, students tend to postpone the completion of tasks, delay the deadlines for submitting tests, term papers, and internship reports. It is also revealed that the respondents have an average level of self-management ability at all stages. Students are able to set goals, make plans and decisions, but have difficulties in analyzing contradictions and showing flexibility as well as forecasting and choosing criteria for evaluating the success of their own activities.

The results of the study showed that the self-management ability of students depends on the degree of procrastination: the higher the level of procrastination, the lower the ability of self-management.

Further research may focus on the formation and development of student self-government, which will contribute to the optimization of educational process in the context of distance learning.



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