Own-age bias in the educational context





face cognition, own-age bias, students, teachers, educational context, individual differences


Modern educational researchers and practicing specialists alike focus their attention on studying the social-emotional sphere of a student’s personality. The importance of a harmonious development in this area for successful socialization and high academic achievement has been repeatedly demonstrated by experimental studies. In scientific literature, the relationship between the emotions schoolchildren experience during the educational process and their educational motivation and academic success has become a prominent point of discussion. One of the tasks for the modern teachers is to recognize the emotional states of their students accurately, in order to, firstly, react in time and correctly in various situations, and, secondly, teach children to recognize their own emotions and those of others.

At the same time, the findings of modern face cognition science suggest that representatives of all age groups find it easier to perceive, remember, and recognize the faces of their peers and to interpret socially significant information (i. e. emotional states) from their peers’ facial expressions — a phenomenon identified as own-age bias. These findings substantiate the need to study the process of mutual social perception between the main participants in the educational process — students and teachers, and to determine how wide the variance is and what it is associated with.

In this article, we present the results of a series of our experiments aimed at studying the effects of own-age bias in children and adults. In the future, we plan to continue experimental work involving teachers as the main participants. The results of the study can be applied when developing recommendations on the features of the non-verbal side of communication with children both for teachers, and for educational authorities that train this group of professionals.


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How to Cite

Bayazitova, G. R., Lebedeva, E. I., Petrakova, A. V., & Fedorov, O. D. (2020). Own-age bias in the educational context. Psychology in Education, 2(4), 329–336. https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9527-2020-2-4-329-336


