Results of the implementation of a distant early care programme for children with developmental disorders


  • Maria A. Korgozha Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
  • Olga S. Vorobeva Center of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons & Disabled Children, Kalininsky Dist.
  • Tatiana S. Kusakina Center of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons & Disabled Children, Kalininsky Dist.
  • Vera I. Kovaleva Center of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons & Disabled Children, Kalininsky Dist.
  • Ekaterina A. Romanova Center of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons & Disabled Children, Kalininsky Dist.
  • Tatiana Z. Soloninchik Center of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons & Disabled Children, Kalininsky Dist.



early care, early intervention, social rehabilitation, children with developmental disorders, distance education


The article presents the results of the implementation of a distant early care programme for children with various developmental disorders. The study involved 30 children with various developmental disorders aged 2 to 3 and their mothers. They took part in a five-month programme of social rehabilitation with early care specialists who conducted distant remedial and developmental classes. The programme modules were aimed at promoting the optimal development of children’s motor, emotional and communicative competence, development of self-service skills and social adaptation. The programme took into account individual psychophysical characteristics of children. It included weekly online video sessions with specialists, individual homework, watching game-based videos of teachers and playing games as part of homework for mother and child. The effectiveness of this format was evaluated by analyzing the dynamics in the development of children at the end of distance learning and the degree of satisfaction of mothers with the early care programme. At the end of the programme, there was pronounced positive dynamics in most indicators (fine motor skills, cognitive, communicative, social and motor spheres) in children, regardless of the characteristics and severity of disorders in psychophysical development. The most pronounced positive dynamics was revealed in fine motor skills and speech development. The least positive dynamics in children’s development was found in self-service skills and social adaptation. The pronounced positive dynamics in the social sphere of children’s development is associated with fewer days spent by the family in self-isolation. The highest degree of satisfaction with the process and results of distance learning with children was found in mothers of children with delayed psychomotor and speech development. Overall, 63% of mothers would like to repeat the remote programme of early care for their children.



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