The relationship between educational and personal cognitive activities in Therapeutic Pedagogy students




educational cognitive activity, personal cognitive activity, volitional efforts, interest in educational activities, independence of study, educational organization, supra-situational activity, satisfaction with educational activities.


This article presents the results of a study into the intensity, variability and interrelation of various components of Therapeutic Pedagogy students’ education-related cognitive activities. Based on the same data set, students’ cognitive activities were also used to assess their personality traits and investigate the relationship between the cognitive activities they demonstrated in their education and in life in general.

Students’ educational and cognitive activities were assessed following an integrated method, which includes an expert survey and observation according to the standard education-related cognitive activity observation framework. The study of cognitive activity was carried out using the “unsolvable task” method.

The results of an empirical study indicate that Therapeutic Pedagogy students are characterized by high learning motivation and diligence. This is combined with low supra-situational activities, such as completing training tasks or attending extracurricular events. High learning motivation and diligence are combined with low rate of integration of educational material, i. e. poor ability to apply the acquired knowledge in school or in life. Students of this specialization possess skills required to manage their educational activities, a high level of independence and are able to employ their willpower to manage their educational activities. Indicators of supra-situational activity and of integration of educational material vary greatly. Based on the results of correlation analysis, two sets of student learning motivations were identified. The first set combines such indicators as “interest in learning”, “comfort of learning”, “supra-situational activity” and “integration of educational material”, identified as the “interested” set. The second set includes: “volitional effort”, “study management” and “study independence” and represents the “obligatory” motivation of educational activities. Both sets demonstrate a positive correlation with indicators of students’ personal cognitive activity: “interest in learning” and “integration of material” for set 1, “volitional effort” and “study management” for set 2.



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