Characteristics of the moral sphere of personality in psychology students in a situation of moral choice




moral sphere, moral choice, decision making, psychology students, deontology


The present study focuses on characteristics of the moral sphere of personality in psychology students in a situation of moral choice. The author examines deontological foundations of professional psychologist training and substantiates the provision that the development of professional and ethical qualities and the moral sphere of personality should form the core of a future psychologist’s training. In the professional activity of a psychologist, specific moral decisions are made based on the specialist’s personal choice, and the moral substance of these decisions depends on the characteristics of the moral sphere and its level of development.

The article presents results of an empirical study of the moral sphere of psychology students. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data was conducted by means of the “Friend-Advisor-1” method developed by E. K. Veselova, S. A. Chernyaeva.

Statistically significant differences were revealed in general indicators of the moral sphere between full-time and part-time extramural students. The latter exhibit a higher level of moral integrity, and they tend to make more positive and fewer negative choices than full-time students. Qualitative analysis showed that extramural program students adhere to more traditional moral values and principles and offer clear volitional decisions based on the sense of duty, social norms, law, and an assessment of consequences. Extramural psychology students have higher moral indicators than full-time psychology students. This suggests that moral values are better developed and more stable in mature adults than in young people.

Also, statistically significant differences were revealed between male and female psychology students on the following variables: F — general advice, RAC — rationalization and T — alienation. Male students are inclined towards general formal advice, emotional detachment, and unwillingness to influence actions; in their opinion, everyone must make their own decision how to act in situations of moral choice. They are ready to provide freedom of choice in decision-making, recognizing a person’s subjectivity and taking into account the level of his or her personal development. Female students tend to rationalize and explain the reasons for the proposed advice, to show concern for loved ones, generosity, and charity. This indicates the presence of such professionally important qualities as empathy, responsiveness, a desire to help, altruism, philanthropy.



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